Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Youth Spring Turkey

So im getting pretty excited to go hunting with my oldest son. We will also be accompanied by my Brother in law and nephew as well as a buddy and his daughter. We shall see how it all shakes out. I think the kids are gonna have a blast. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

some ramblings...

So after a week of the most Horrid blow outs from roman a solid patty has landed.

I'm in the process of trying to plan the annual "A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do fishing trip".
My profile pic is from last years trip. I swam out into the water to fish the bank on the other side.

April 9th I'm going with Zach on his first youth turkey hunt. My brother-in-law Charles and nephew CJ will be coming with us. Were gonna camp out Friday night and hunt in the morning then do some fishing.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My first Project for the Blog

So here is Brandons  Winchester 22lr he found in a dumpster.
Ya what a score!
It had some issues feeding the rounds due to a dent in the ammo tube. He pretty much had it fixed but I went ahead an disassembled the tube and worked it out all the way. I guessing whom ever pitched it was an Idiot.
Well I offered to do a paint job on it since he liked the one I did on my 22 last summer. It was pretty rough looking and needed a face lift. In return I got some free cleaning done on my guns. 

Before the project started

After the primer and base coat

Being winter still, I didn't have any broad leaves to work with just evergreens and twigs.
I was a little bummed about that but made it work.
-primer, black, tan, forest green, then earth brown- 

Finished product minus the action. I still need to put that back in after a good cleaning.
And yes that is a Praying Mantis in red on my buddies rifle its my TM and a shameless plug.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flying Solo

Today was my first full day without Tara. For those of you who know this blog exists she is in Vegas till Thursday then off to Portland until she returns back to the Promise land Monday afternoon. So here is what has transpired in about 36 hours. Roman choked himself until he barfed on the island. What caused this you wonder?  Well he decided to force an entire slice of deli ham in his mouth. The island was my idea... it was closer than the sink and gonna be much easer than the carpet to clean. I knew he was gonna blow on the next heave due to the gurgle sound so I reacted like a fat kid on a diet and said screw it and held him over the island like any self respecting father would do. The best part was the look on Zach's face as he witnessed the whole thing. With his pb&j half in his mouth and in a throaty voice he said dad i'm gonna throw up.  Dang! I almost got a two for one special. That was dinner night one. Today Lily peed in her pants as I was buckling Roman into his car seat. WHAT THE CRAP!  Enough said about that. No one has been hurt or lost yet. Also I didn't get woken up 3 times while being told to role over because I was snoring to loud.

PS I hope to start a project tonight after the kids go to bed or tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Grateful for clean Toilets

So last Friday I took Lily and Roman to Lilys Gymnastics practice while Tara and Zach went to Basketball practice. Our first experience with "Divide and Conquer".  All was well until I started to pull into the school where Zach was having his practice.  I had the 2 kids in my truck and I knew what my stomach was wanting and I was having nothing to do with it.

I made it out of there alive and home but almost had to pull over on Barry Road. Funny thing is I would Die to be driving by and see some poor sap hunched over heaving on the side of the road, but I didn't get a chance to pass that possible gem on to someone else.

An hour or so later I was kneeling in the throne room admiring the craftsmanship of American Standard.  Heres the kicker I was sweating, breathing erratically, and drooling like a dog...  ohh my body wanted it out but nothing coming. I then did what any sane person who wanted to feel better would do. I went 3 knuckles deep down the ol' pie hole. Ba-ta Bing Bata Boom im in business. Man what a relief.

I guess I was so loud Tara was shocked the kids didn't ask what was making that sound. After Said experience I retired to my warm bed.  I was awoken not to long after to Tara collecting her Pillows and Sweetly saying im gonna go lay with the kids. Which for those you that cant translate Wife that means "That was nasty, you are nasty I want no part of any of that or you at this time so peace out Stallion".  Ok so I added the Stallion part but you get the idea.

Im better now but poor Zach is not. He put some red gummy fruit pieces on the carpet as I tried to get him to the bathroom last night.  That was an eventful evening to say the least. He is doing better today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

0 to 30 in 360 Months...

So the big 30 is coming up quick. I don't know how I feel about it... am I getting old am I still young? What have I been able to accomplish in the first third of my life?  Well I have stopped crapping in my pants, I can feed myself, and I learned how to drive a car. If I want to think positive and put forth some effort I could Say that I lived in a foreign country and speak 2 languages, started my own business, I have managed to brain wash a hot chick into marrying me. Then if I really think about my most important and most amazing accomplishments it would have to be my children Zachary, Lily, and Roman.  

Well this blog thing is going to be new and fun I hope. I will be honest and up front now my pics will suck unless I poach them from my wife and the content will most likely embarrass her as well. Disclaimer complete.